1+1= ? (Meaning is Derived Through Chance) is an interactive piece where individuals are allowed to interpret and create stories through visual chance equations.

Art Director

Project Details
Year: 2011
Project Type/Client: Student
Role: Graphic Designer, Photographer,

Brent McCormick
Ashley Donovan
Tiffany Cardoza
Dawn Moore
Matt Stay

The materials consist of highly charged imagery, symbols, and typography that the participant may choose from in order to create meaning through the 1+1= equations. Most equations will have more than one meaning that can be interpreted, hence the theory that 1+1= ?– there is an infinite amount of meaning that can be derived from chance equations. After an equation is made the participant is allowed to respond and interpret that meaning.

Our original research consisted of defining chance and its properties in relation to real life occurrences. Through our research we have found that chance plays a great roll in decision making and how certain emotions can affect our motives and how we formulate certain ideas. Through our research we also studied how chance is closely tied to probability and coincidence and how it is possible for things to happen at random without having mathematical expression to fortify it. We then realized how probability and chance cannot fully be determined by law and formula and instead we studied how chance is a free-floating instance. At the end of our research we decided to define how our project would supplement the “need”, in more defined terms, finding out what and how to show people the benefits of risk taking and to use chance as a method of discovery.


VCU Craft/Material Studies Department Posters

